• Astăzi, 5.05.2024
  • Educație în Mureș
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  • în Mureș
  • Revista Tuș
  • Republic Production

Frequently Asked Questions

What is cultura.inmures.ro?
Why cultura.inmures.ro?
Why use cultura.inmures.ro?
How do I upload my event in the agenda?
How and from where do you get your information? How reliable is it?
How long before the information on the site is updated?
The easiest search method on cultura.inmures.ro?
Why use the newsletter option?
What events does cultura.inmures.ro attend?
What area does the cultura.inmures.ro website cover?
How do I contact the cultura.inmures.ro team

What is cultura.inmures.ro?

Cultura.inmures.ro is a cultural website, part of the Mureș community branding project "inmures.ro" of SC REEA SRL.

Why cultura.inmures.ro?

Cultura.inmures is the only exclusively cultural site of the Mures community, the aim of which is to reflect the cultural activity of the county in all its areas (fine arts, theatre, music, literature etc).

Why use cultura.inmures.ro?

Because the cultura.inmures.ro website provides you with the best way to organize your spare time with the help of its cultural agenda. It is also a good source of information regarding the cultural patrimony of the Mures County.

How do I upload my event in the agenda?

If you want to announce a cultural event, you just have to fill out the form under “Your event”, and the cultura.inmures.ro team will include it in the cultural agenda.

How can I see the video files on the site?

In order to watch video files on cultura.inmures.ro you must have the plugin for Macromedia Flash Player installed on your computer.

How and from where do you get your information? How reliable is it?

The information on cultura.inmures.ro is taken from authorized sources, with their consent: cultural institutions, show houses, specialized bibliography etc. Due to the large amount of data, it is impossible for all of it to be verified. For this reason, cultura.inmures.ro does not fully guarantee the accuracy of information. The responsibility for its content lies with the providers of the information. Cultura.inmures.ro reserves the right to filter received information, to process and publish that which is considered interesting or to erase it at any time.

How long before the information on the site is updated?

The cultura.inmures.ro team updates the information on the website daily, based on priorities. Some information will appear within hours, other within days.

The easiest search method on cultura.inmures.ro?

The fastest way to find information on cultura.inmures.ro is to use the existing tags for each page or the "search" option from the menu.

Why use the newsletter option?

Because by sending your email address to cultura.inmures.ro you will be informed weekly of all the cultural events that will take place in the Mureș County.

What events does cultura.inmures.ro attend?

Cultura.inmures.ro is open to all those in the Mureș County and beyond, who have a professional or private interest in culture. Therefore, the cultura.inmures.ro team attends all the events it is invited to, as far as possible.

Which area does the cultura.inmures.ro website cover?

Cultura.inmures.ro is a cultural website dedicated to the Mureș community, therefore its aim is to cover the cultural activity of the Mureș County.


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Cultură În Mureș
Descriere - Cultura.inmures.ro este o platformă culturală a județului Mureș, care promovează evenimente, proiecte și inițiative artistice din domeniile cinematografiei, teatrului, muzicii, literaturii și artei vizuale. Site-ul oferă informații utile despre instituțiile, organizațiile și persoanele implicate în viața culturală a județului, precum și despre oportunitățile de finanțare, participare și colaborare în domeniul cultural.
Piața Republicii, Nr. 41
+40 745.992.463
[email protected]